
Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Friday! Today is Part 2 of the Scrap Paper Pack Challenge. More goodies today! If you haven't already, see yesterday's post to see the other fabulous projects created from the Scrap Paper Pack Challenge.

Claire from Papelhilo +Blog
Project 1: Paper Crane Mobile
Project 2: Cards
Project 3: CD Case
Project 4: Paper Covered Container
Elisa from Living the Sweet Life
+Shop +Blog
Project 1: Guest Book
I decided to make a guest book to keep in my home. When visitors come to visit they can write a little something. I thought it would be a nice thing for my children to read. I used the fun paper to cover the front and also made use of the first class stamp that was used on the posted envelope. I even used the twine and ribbon for the rings. The best part was the 4+4 flashcard! There are 8 people who live here and I thought how appropriate...4+4= family.
Close up of the cover
Inside Pages

Project 2: Decorated Envelopes - what fun envelopes to receive in the mail!
Well, today concludes the Scrap Paper Pack Challenge-- I hope you enjoyed seeing all of the fabulous creations from 5 fabulous readers! Thank you again to those who participated, this was truly a fun project and I will definitely be doing something like this again in the future. Have a great weekend! :)


  1. More wonderful projects! I'm going to have to try a few, starting with the paper-covered container. Thanks for this.

  2. These are all fun projects! What a great idea =)

  3. Hi, It is a very good project.
    I saw your artwork was so beautiful,
    Keep Going!I support you!^^

    Besides, I also am a christian.
    I am come from hong kong.
    Nice to meet you!
