Another page you'll see is "Be Featured at The Creative Place!" I am constantly amazed as I find new (to me) shops on etsy and new (to me) inspiring blogs in the blogosphere. I decided I wanted to start doing a guest feature each week to get the word out about fabulous shops, blogs, tutorials, and inspirations.
Are you interested in being featured on The Creative Place? Are you an online shop owner or blogger? Or do you have a great idea, tutorial or a cool crafty or inspiring link you've found on the www? Go here! I am currently accepting submissions for shop and/or blog features, Tuesday Tutorials, or cool idea and inspiration links.
Tomorrow will be one of the first guest features ever (of many more to come, I hope!) and I have asked a fabulous etsy store owner (who is also a blogger) several fun, interesting, and inspiring questions. My hope is that you will check out each featured store owner or blogger's site, encourage them, leave comments, etc.
It's so neat to me how many different ideas are out there, how one person may have a tip to share, another may have a helpful comment or idea. Like I said before, I am constantly amazed at how much talent there is all over this world and I'm super excited to see new shops, ideas, blogs and to share them with you, all you fabulous readers! :)
Have a question? Email me at thecreativeplace@gmail.com :)
you are on my list for an I love you blog award, copy and paste the link to collect it
Well done, you are fab!
I can't believe this blog is one year old only. You have so many ideas and sharing them with us makes it so sweet. Thanks.