
Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Scraps Giveaway :: Winners

Good Monday Morning! I hope you had a fabulous weekend :) We had some (very) unexpected snow on Saturday (an inch or so! we NEVER get snow here. e.v.e.r. it's sad!) -- it was wonderful! Definitely added to the fun of the Christmas season. You will be seeing pictures very soon when I share an update on how my December Daily is progressing :)

It was SO fun to read everyone's holiday traditions - I was smiling the whole time I read them :) Thank you for sharing! I really wish I could send all of you a scrap pack!

So, the two winners:
One of my favorite traditions is baking all the yummy treats and cookies with my mom for Christmas! I hope to win this giveaway!! You put together great 'scrap' kits!

I have 5 kids and LOPVE having thier friends come over and be a part of everything. When I was a kid it was just me and my mom....I spent the holidays with friends and was always floored at the huge gathering of people (and no fighting!!!) and food and warmth...I so want that for my kids to remember when they grown up...I want tehm to tell thier children about how fun and loving our holidays were :)

Congratulations! I will be emailing you two later today for your shipping addresses.

+ Stay tuned later today- some fabulous, festive handmade gift ideas from etsy!

1 comment:

  1. Yayy I am so happy so win this!! This just made finals week seem a little less stressful ;)
