
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Business and Blog :: 5 Goals in 2011

Happy New Year! After a somewhat impromptu hiatus from blogland, I'm back and ready to dive in to 2011 :) I've seen a lot of "Goals for 2011" posts and wanted to share mine for The Creative Place blog and shop. So I made it into a nice poster size that is being printed at a local print shop. Will be hanging it in my workspace as a reminder and motivation as we start this new year.

These are my business and blog goals, and while looking at the list seems a little daunting right now (especially with a little one on the way...soon. read: +/- 7 weeks!), I'm excited to work towards these goals and accomplish as much as possible. It's helpful to have them set out in front of me (literally).

Business and Blog :: 5 Goals in 2011
1. Develop and create 15 new products for the shop. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head that I have been writing down, taking notes, sketching, and gathering supply ideas for. Ready to put it into action and get them developed and into the shop.
2. Redesign the blog. I like the look of my blog right now, but am ready for something new. Ready to redesign the header, the side bar, figure out the pages at the top (how to make them centered and a different font) and possibly create a 3 column layout.
3. Keep inventory up-to-date. I struggle with this the most in my shop. Sometimes I have inventory all ready to ship out (like a paper pack, etc), but most of the time it is putting the order together as it comes in. This works for some people, but is definitely super stressful for me - having to stop everything (in my home) and gather the order together to get ready for shipping. I need to plan and make inventory gradually and build up supply as I go.
4. Organize my studio/workspace. Enough said. No really. I got these super cute document boxes for Christmas, so now I have no excuse. I need to get my shipping area more organized, keep better records of incoming orders and expenses, and I need to purge a lot of my supplies I'm not using and find them new homes. Simplify.
5. Get more involved in the blogging community. I read several blogs frequently. I want to start commenting (usually I just stay in the woodwork) and being more involved in blogland. I know I absolutely love when you comment, and I want to do the same for others. I also need to make sure I use my business/blog time wisely (ie not wasting time online when I should be working on shop stuff, getting a blog post ready, etc.) - thanks Randi @ I Have to Say for the reminder to include this in my goal as well! :)

So what about you? Do you have goals for 2011? Business goals? Blog goals? Personal goals?


  1. my main business goal is to manage my time better. sometimes i get lost on the computer, the time just slips by. i want to be more purposeful when i use it. no more wasted hours. so far so good!

  2. great goals! best wishes for the new year. (I too am trying to be more active and less lurker in blogland!)

  3. These are wonderful goals and I love the idea of a poster you can see for those times when focus is elsewhere. I usually set a time limit for my blog surfing, then I complete something and then back to blog viewing/commenting. It really can evaporate time if unchecked. Happy goal achieving...

  4. I totally love that you illustrated your goals with type in the beginning of this post. My goal this year is to do more marketing for my Etsy business.
