
Friday, February 17, 2012

a few of my fave books

I am a huge lover of books. I love books. There is nothing like holding a printed book in your hands. I do not have a reading tablet at this point- but I am pretty sure that if I ever do, I will still love to collect actual books :)

I'm sure tablets are great because you can store all your books in one place, take it with you on trips, and not have to drag a whole reusable grocery bag full of books with you (I'm guilty of this ;)). But man, there is nothing like flipping through crisp pages, looking at the pictures and text, and smelling the ink on the page (Weird, I know. I LOVE smelling new books ;)). Maybe it's because I love paper so much :)
The books sit behind my computer on my desk. Always at an arm's reach if I am working and need to look something up, find inspiration, etc.
What about you? Do you have a tablet to read on? Do you love it? Do you love having books too or not so much?


  1. Hi Ashley -

    My husband bought me a Kindle for Christmas. It was a nice, thoughtful gift and I my first reaction was "Huh"? Of course to him I said, "Oh Honey, this is great, Thank you"! Like you, I am an avid reader. I love paper, the feel of it, I hoard books - LOL! Now I do share with friends and then donate to the library. But I am notorious for going out to the grocery store and coming back with 2 or 3 books to add to my collection. And when I say collection, I do mean collection. We had to go to Ikea and buy 3 tall bookshelves to store most of my books. Upstairs outside my studio, are two more really tall shelves filled with art books. And I don't even want to mention the ones stashed here and there!
    Anyway, I think my husband has come to the realization that he may have made a mistake when he got me the Kindle. Why? Because I am constantly downloading books from Amazon! But I did find that there are places that have free books - so beginning to explore those. So I am starting to enjoy the Kindle. The only thing I can't do with it is take it into the bathroom when I take a relaxing bubblebath. I'm afraid I'll drop it in the tub - LOL!

    Elaine Allen

  2. I am a Book Lover and will never give up an actual book or magazine for the matter for a Kindle or other reader. There is just something about flipping the pages, marking the pages with post-its and using books as part of my decor. Books are a main source of inspiration for me and without the real thing, life would be little less sunny.
    p.s. If I come across a book that has loads of photos I like and I'm tempted to tear out the pages, I go hunting for another copy of the book at Goodwill or on-line at a deep discount just so I can tear the pages and not feel guilty.

  3. oh my gosh..
    i love books.
    had to go to ikea just to get myself
    organized...or rather my books organized...have have seven bookcases...and they are all full...i love a book in my hand...the way the paper feels...the sounds, the smell...the endless possibility of words playing all together...don't think i will ever surrender to this age of far a a book is are right by me too...just a reach away...blessing book friend...

  4. I'm a total book lover! Reading, collecting old ones, you name it! I have an ipad I read ibooks and kindle books on and I never thought I'd get past the need to "feel" the book. But it's really handy (too much so!) to be able to buy books with a quick click!
    I still read paper books from time to time, but more and more of my new purchases are e-books.

  5. I LOVE books! But I also love my Nook! My kids gave me one for Christmas and I am hooked! Right now, I bet I have 50 books on the nice to be able to take them along wherever I go. Of course, this is not to say that I will EVER stop collecting real books...I have three floor to ceiling bookcases and need another one!

  6. I had a tablet, but found I really liked the feel of a book oin my hands and went back to books. I love books, I love re reading them, I love looking at them, the love of the smell of a new book.

  7. I was a holdout, for a while. Being the type with a whole lot of books (we won't go into just how many...ahem), I thought I'd never want to not have the actual, physical *book*.

    Got a kindle in 2009, though, and everything changed. When I got an iPad, it changed completely, since a lot of the books that looked kind of bad on a smaller screen looked perfect on the bigger iPad screen. And while I love books, I *really* love the lack of clutter, and being able to carry my entire library with me no matter where i go. Need a technique while I'm journalling at Starbucks? No problem -- just look it up in whatever book it was in. That kind of thing.

    Moreover, my friends no longer want to garrotte me every time we move, since they don't have to carry boxes and boxes of books to and from the truck. :)

    I still have some paper-type books that don't have kindle editions yet. But I'm actively working to clear out any of them that do. And, apparently, to fill up the newly empty space with art supplies. ::facepalm::

  8. I'm new to your blog via Pinterest. I just saw and pinned your DIY Travel Journal which I'm so excited to put together for an upcoming trip to Spain! I must say your blog is full of great information and ideas. So glad I found you, and I'm now a new follower!

    Love books & magazines both. I have a tough time parting with any of them. I would love to have a Nook for the ease of taking them wherever you want with ease, but most of my books are me, anyway!

  9. I do have a tablet, but I hardly use it... it's not the same as holding a good book and leafing through the pages!

  10. Love, love, love books!! Love my iPad too but not for reading. Holding real pages and flipping through them is so satisfying...browsing bookstores or libraries is therapeutic and wonderful. So glad I will not be here to see the day when bookbinding and publishing are least I hope that won't happen in my lifetime...sigh...

  11. love this... We have an ipad and use digital books quite a bit but to me they just can't replace the feel of an actual book in your hand or even on the shelf. I adore being surrounded by books :)

  12. I don't have a tablet either, although I think I will cave in one day just because it's so much easier to carry around and I love reading when I'm on the road (train, bus, busstop, lunch breaks wherever). But I just love books so much, I can't imagining not having them. My big dream is to have a huge book case at my house (with ladder and all) with an enormous book collection. I love the look of a good book case!
