
Thursday, June 7, 2012

workspaces: Katie of Gadanke

Today's workspace is that of Katie Clemons, owner of Gadanke, and blogger behind Making this Home. I have always loved Katie's fabulous journals and her passion for capturing and documenting stories. I "met" Katie a long, long time ago (I have no idea how long ago, it's been that long :)) via blogging and it's fun to keep up with her and all of the adventures and stories of her and her husband! Welcome, Katie :)
My name is Katie; I’m fueled by the power of story. I make award-winning writing prompt journals. The goal of my business, Gadanke, is to empower women, help them get through challenging times, and encourage them to celebrate their lives and themselves.
I blog about living a simpler life rich with stories, not stuff.
Tell us about your workspace.
I have two:
One is an old airplane hangar my husband and I are remodeling into our home and Gadanke’s studio.
The other is in a house we rent. It’s called an “Earthship” because oddly, it’s made of hundreds of old tires. Until our remodel is finished and we move, I hand-build all the Gadanke journals from home.
What is your favorite thing about your workspace?
The airplane hangar is a place of dreams. Where will life take us next? What are the stories we’ll be celebrating?
If you think the idea of living in a house made out of tires sounds weird, it is. It’s not a comfortable place to live at all. But I’m so beyond thankful for the experience. It’s taught me gratitude and patience. A tire house might not be warm all winter. It might have trim made of tires. Yet it’s a house. A good life isn’t free, though. Neither is a comfortable place to live. They take getting out of bed each morning and fighting for your dreams, which because of the tire house, I give it my best to do every single day.

What is one thing you can't live without in your workspace?
My journal. I keep track of a lot of my creative ideas and memories in here
+ shop : + blog : 

Thank you, Katie for sharing your space(s!) and about yourself and business :)
*All images are by Katie Clemons


  1. so nice to read about Katie- love her journals!

  2. You will never believe this, but I live in a tirehouse (Earthship) that we built ourselves 18 years ago! We have made a few modifications though over the years to make some things a little more livable. :)

  3. I was researching the possibility of building a home from a hanger when I ran across your site about your remodel project. In the picture you took of your studio, you have some snapshots on the wall of partial nudes. The work is amazing! Is this work yours or someone elses? If yours, would they be for purchase? If not, can I have the name of the photographer? Can you leave any answers to these questions on your site?
