
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


currently, I am:
+ working on some more mixed paper journals for the shop. I am on a journal kick right now.
+ thinking I need to finish putting together the Christmas 2012 holiday journal kits.
+ looking around my workspace and am pretty sure it needs a good clean (no it doesn't always look like this ;))
+ thinking I have a lot of paper. is that possible? ;) maybe it's a good thing I'm on a journal kick. using it all up ;)
+ debating a meal plan for next week.
+ so glad we are having cooler weather. we had to turn the heat on last night. love it.
+ reminded that I like having four distinct seasons. and while I wish we had more snow here in NC (I know. yes, I like snow ;)), I'm just glad to have cold, which means lots of snuggling up, hot cocoa, and a warm, cozy home.
+ continuing to feel more and more like we are getting into a routine as a family of 5.
+ reminded that I like routine. spontaneity is great, too. but I like routine.
+ enjoying my little ones so, so much.
+ thankful for the blessing of my little (big) family :)
+ will be listing this journal and other similar ones (different cover tags) in the shop this week.
+ this post was inspired by this post by ali edwards 
(how many times can i put "this post" and "by" in one sentence? ;))

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