
Monday, November 26, 2012

an ornament exchange

Happy Monday! Happy Holiday Season! :) For those in the U.S., I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving last week. Our week was crazy busy with lots of traveling, seeing family and eating. A lot :) I will be wrapping up my 30 Days of Thankful this week - it was such a fun activity to write down (and sometimes photograph) the little (and big) things I'm thankful for.

So I've been brainstorming a fun little idea just in time for the Holiday Season. An Ornament Exchange. I have a sweet friend who, each year, creates and exchanges holiday ornaments with family. Love that idea! And after seeing this fabulous idea by Monika of I Love It All, I thought it'd be fun to put together a little Ornament Exchange via this blog :)

It's really simple - I'll be pairing up people who want to participate in groups of 3 (you and two other people) and then we make ornaments, and send them off to those who are on our list. So you will make 2 ornaments and send 1 ornament each to 2 different people, and you will then receive one ornament each from two different people.

Want to participate? I'm taking a limited number of people (since I've never done this before ;)). Email me at thecreativeplace(at)gmail(dot)com to participate. Please, please do NOT sign up if you are not 100% committed to following through and sending two ornaments. People will be putting time, effort and money into these and we need to all actively participate if we sign up :)

Please sign up by this Wednesday, November 28. I will send out partners no later than Friday, November 30. If the exchange fills up and there are no spots left when you email me, I will email you back to let you know. Ornaments must be mailed on or before December 10.

+ Create 2 handmade ornaments (they can be the same) - they don't have to be elaborate or overly complicated, but create something that you would like to receive - something that is festive, fun and uplifting - and sure to put a smile on someone's face! :) Here are a few ideas of DIY ornaments. Or do a search on pinterest for inspiration :) (You will pay for materials, etc. for your ornament).
+ Send your ornament to each of your partners on or before December 10. That way, it should get there in plenty of time for Christmas and be able to go on the Christmas tree and be enjoyed :) Include a quick little note with your ornament about it - maybe include something like why you made it, what inspired it, etc. and sign and date it :) It will be nice to look back year after year about the ornament's origins when unpacking them to go on the Christmas tree! (Thanks, Monika!) :) Be sure to pack your ornament very carefully, especially if it is fragile (You will pay for shipping your two ornaments.)

Subject your email: Ornament Exchange
In your email include:
1. Your email address you want your partners to contact you through.
2. Your mailing address.
3. If you are willing to ship international: Yes or No *Note: If you are international, you must be willing to ship international.

Yay! I already know what ornament I will be making. And it may or may not involve paper ;)

In other news:
Happy Cyber Monday! Save 15% off your entire purchase in my shop. Use coupon code: creative26 at checkout :) Coupon good Monday, November 26 - Wednesday, November 28.

1 comment:

  1. This is so tempting... Not sure what I would do for an ornament though, never made one before... Hope you get lots of people to participate.
