
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

a baby shower for a sweet friend

A couple weeks ago, I had the honor of helping host a baby shower for a sweet friend who is about to have her third baby :) It was a sweet time of hanging out, eating, opening gifts, writing prayers and encouraging notes and praying for this new little one and their family.

The new-mama-to-be loves birds, so we had a bird theme throughout. One of my other sweet friends, and also a host, came up with all of these gorgeous ideas to incorporate birds and bird-related things into the shower- bird ornaments, birdhouses, bird's nest cupcakes, a birdcage with papier-mâché birds inside. Colors included robin's egg blue, red and burlap.

For table centerpieces, we used tree branches (weighted with rocks in a decorated hurricane glass) and put blank cards tied with ribbon among them and had guests write down an encouraging note or thought for the family. Two birdhouses flanked the hurricane glass on each table.
The new-mama-to-be and her hubby know the gender of the baby, but have chosen to keep it a surprise until baby is born. Another sweet friend made these cute little bird flags and each guest chose which gender they think baby will be (I think baby is a boy :) We'll see!). We also had 4.25"x5.5" prayer cards--blank cards for guests to write prayers for the baby and family on - I think they plan on making them into a book, or putting them in a baby book.
The shower was in the morning, so we had a brunch-y meal - complete with fruit and yogurt parfaits, mini quiches, breakfast casserole, veggies and dip and bird's nest cupcakes (!!!).
Orange juice was served in mason jars, and water was also available (to be poured into mason jars). There is just something fun about drinking from a mason jar! :)
Fabulous (and delicious) cupcakes with a bird nest on top - another sweet friend (and host) made these with regular cupcakes, chocolate frosting, toasted coconut and Hershey's chocolate eggs on top. Mmmm they were yummy!
It was such a fun time! So glad to have this sweet lady as a friend and excited for her and her family as they welcome their new child very soon :)


  1. Everything looks so beautiful! I love the little cupcakes with the eggs! So very sweet!

  2. Tres chic! :) Adore the incorporation of the birdies, but LOVE the mason jars. I need more mason jars in my life :P
