
Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012.

Oh 2012, you were a tricky year. A wonderfully hard year full of some difficult circumstances, but a faith-growing year, nonetheless. A year where my amazing hubby finished well a long and tiring 4-year Master's degree. A year where I was pregnant with our third sweet little one - and where we found ourselves with some serious complications and very unforeseen events surrounding this precious little one. Where our faith was mightily tested as it grew thin and weary. A year where I got sicker than I've ever been. And ended up hospitalized with the doctors very concerned about my health, as they didn't know what was wrong with me.

These few events stick out in my mind very vividly. But what also sticks out in my mind very vividly is God and His grace to my family. God's grace given through His Word, through my husband, through our amazing church family and friends, and through our family. How He never left our side through those hard circumstances. And how there were tons and tons of wonderful, joyful circumstances throughout the year also.

This year I grew in so many areas (and of course still have a lot of growing to do ;)). My sweet little (big!) family is healthy and well. Our sweet little girl is growing and thriving. And is absolutely adorable ;) My 5 year old is in school and loving it. My 22 month old is so incredibly cute with his daily antics ;) I have a wonderful marriage that is continuing to grow. My hubby has two great jobs.  I have a little online shop that I love to make things for. And a blog that I love to update here and there. We are beyond blessed in so many ways. And I am truly thankful.

As I write this post, I am overwhelmed with joy over my sweet almost 2 year old who is parading around in his Thomas the Train costume. For my 5 year old who is so excited to be playing with a little Matchbox truck that has real lights that turn on. For my sweet 4 month old who is peacefully asleep on my hubby's chest as he is getting some work done on his laptop.

I am excited for 2013. I am excited to see what God has for our family. For my hubby. For my sweet babies. For me. For this blog. For my shop.

Thank you for reading. I truly enjoy blogging here :) See you next year! ;)


  1. So happy for you and your family! Take care! Happy 2013!

  2. What a trully uplifting post! I wish you all the best for 2013!
