
Monday, January 14, 2013

Lovely Days and Garden Party: Journal Winners!

Ya'll are awesome. Thank you SO much for your input and ideas for new journals. SO much :) I LOVED each and every one of them and will definitely be putting more together per your suggestions in the near future. Two journals that really stuck out to me were "Lovely Days" and "Garden Party". So thanks and congrats to Jean and Andrea! I will be emailing you soon. Here are a few sneak peaks at some idea boards for the new journals. Thanks everyone - so, so much. I really appreciate you all :)
Lovely Days - Lavender, aquamarine, and vintage book pages
Garden Party - Green, yellow, red, coral, and brown
My apologies for the delay in posting the winners - mild sickness entered our home late last week but all is well now :)


  1. Thank you My dear Ashley!! I cann´t believe it !! I am so happy ....Wait to hear from you soon , Andrea.

  2. Great I am so excited. This was a joint effort though. My neighbor, Susan, helped me out, so I can't take all the credit! I love the pictures up above. - Jean

  3. They turned out beautiful! Congrats to the winners!

  4. Encantadores!
    Estou passando pra dizer um "oizinho" especial e para dizer também que em breve teremos novidades deliciosas nos blogs.
    Espero tua visita, Ok?
    Beijokas mil!!!
