
Friday, May 25, 2012

+ am thankful for all of your sweet comments, emails and well wishes about my hubby's graduation and trip to Haiti. thank you, thank you!!
+ am glad to have made it to the weekend. my mother-in-law if coming for a couple days to keep us company and help out with my babies while my hubby is out of the country.
+ am thankful to have gotten an email from my hubby late last night saying all was well.
+ am missing my hubby, but am really grateful to the Lord he had the opportunity to go to the DR and Haiti.
+ am in "trying to be productive mode" while I have alone time in the evenings after my sweet babies are in bed. last night, this included a late evening dinner - a noodle bowl from Trader Joe's, some fresh berries, and amazing lemonade. fancy, I know ;)
+ am thankful for all of the people I "meet" via blogland and etsy - crafters, bloggers, customers. it really is neat to connect with people all over the globe!
+ am excited to try out this recipe, this recipethis recipe, and this recipe this weekend.
+ am inspired by this gorgeous rainbow quilt and am trying to decide if I have enough scraps to pull off making one.
+ am thinking about how i just spent a fortune on printer ink yesterday - why is printer ink so incredibly expensive?!
+ am loving this super fabulous mini book and the DIY instructions in the post. now all I need is PVA bookbinding glue.
+ am anxiously awaiting the mailman arriving today - expecting some hard-to-find October Afternoon paper from this fabulous company that had excellent customer service when there was a problem with fulfillment of my order.
+ am working on another custom wedding book like this one, and possibly about to start yet another one :)
+ am loving this cute little DIY pencil pouch. now if only i wasn't scared of sewing zippers. maybe soon ;)
+ am thinking about and planning some 5"x7" art journals. no real theme or anything, just an art journal with tons of fun papers - new and vintage. trying to decide if it would be ring-bound (can add pages), or wire bound (can't add pages).
+ am thinking i have way too much paper in my workspace right now (is that even possible? to have too much paper?! ;)). maybe a destash giveaway is in order for the near future :)
+ am thinking i might have to try this ciabatta recipe. soon.
+ am sad that we lost a lot of our plants in our garden to a crazy and unexpected hailstorm the other day. working on trying to salvage a few of the plants :/
+ am craving Thai food like it's my job. I honestly think I could eat Thai food and it doesn't help that we have an amazing Thai restaurant two miles from our home. the manager knows us and knows our order. haha :)
+ am looking back through this list and thinking it's funny that there are so many projects and recipes I want to try. I feel this way all.the.time. ;)
+ am wishing you a wonderful weekend! and to those in the U.S., have a great Memorial Day weekend :)


  1. This work mornings been
    Tough so far but your post made me breath and smile! Thanks!

  2. I didn't know until recently that I could refill my ink at office max. It cost $6 to refill my black/white ink.

  3. A wonderful family. Lovely kids too.

  4. Here's the ticket for your ink woes. You HAVE TO GET a Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS) Google it! My husband bought me a printer for Christmas off Ebay with one of these systems already attached. I have yet to refill my system (It's MAY!) and I am a homeschooling mother of five who can put the printer through the paces. Saving us Big $$$$$$$. Love, Love, Love it!
