
Sunday, May 27, 2012

photo a day: update

I haven't posted an update of my photo a day: in may progress in awhile, so here are the past couple weeks (go here to see the first part of the month). I believe I've only missed 2 days out of the whole month, and plan to include journaling on those days instead. I've really enjoyed capturing a picture each day - of the random events (hanging out in the hammock, shoveling mulch, etc) to the not-so-random events (graduation, Mother's Day, etc). I think it's really neat how a picture can bring back memories surrounding that snapshot in time - be it a mundane event or a big memorable event. Just looking at the picture of my hubby shoveling mulch from the wheelbarrow brought back the memory of a funny conversation we were having as he was shoveling. Love that! :)

June is almost here! Are you interested in advertising your blog or business on my sidebar for the month of June? Go here for more details and feel free to email me at: thecreativeplace (at) gmail (dot) com :)


  1. I'm a new subscriber and love your blog! Would love the follow back :) Enter my giveaway for a Nordstrom and Starbucks gift card!

    The Pretty Pinhead

  2. You have such a beautiful little family. They're so lucky to have such a caring, CREATIVE and involved mother. I've been going through your blog for the past hour, and looking at your journals with photographs of your family, everyone smiling and happy! So beautiful and nice to see.
