
Friday, September 21, 2012

welcome, autumn (tomorrow!)

So, so excited for the change of the seasons this weekend. Fall is one of my fave-est seasons.

I cannot wait to:
+ experience this season together as a family of 5.

+ feel the crispness of the air as the temperatures begin dipping.

+ pull out my comfy warm clothes and slippers.

+ fix hot cocoa and hot apple cider.

+ see pumpkins, gourds, mums and apples (which we've already seen out and about in town! :)).

+ visit the pumpkin patch.

+ make chili, soup and "warm-your-bones" food.

+ bake. bake. and bake some more.

+ help my babies make up halloween costumes and go trick-or-treating with them :)

+ watch football games on sunday afternoons as a family.

+ capture the season like I did last year.

+ get ready for the holiday season.

+ celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends.

What about you? Do you like the autumn season? What's your fave part about this new season?
I still have autumn journal kits available in my shop - grab one and capture the season :) I will be updating mine over the coming weeks and months and sharing it here - I can't wait! :)


  1. Fall is my favorite time of year, for all the reasons you listed, lol. I love hearing the dried leaves scuffling along the sidewalks as a warm breeze blows through the open window. And the smell of leaf smoke in the distance. The sky always seems to appear a deeper blue, too. Hayrides and pumpkin spiced lattes and beers...Hurrah for Fall!

  2. I love autumn as well but the sad thing is I live in Fl and so we get near to nothing for season changing. The only way I even know that it's the season change is because Walmart, Target and other stores switch clothing line to fall wear; no of which I can wear in our 90 degree weather.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing.
